Your ability to connect and tell stories is a gift - both online and in real life! Love everything you wrote here 💙

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Thank you 💙

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You're a writer! :) And a good one. Don't let not having a journalism degree stop you! I have a friend who's a writer. She's had a number of fiction books published, and she also taught creative writing at a large midwestern university. I met her online a zillion years ago when we were both bloggers in the early days of blogging. She liked my writing and occasionally asked me if she could use posts that I'd written to help in teaching her classes. I felt honored by her request, and told her so. She responded with something that really made an impression on me. She said, "Look, you write well. It doesn't matter that you don't have some sort of degree in writing. You write better than 90% of the students who come to me who already have a degree in English, or creative writing, or journalism." I pass that compliment and advice on to you.

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Wow! You definitely share thoughts that resonate with others. Have you read any of Elizabeth Berg’s books? Home safe is my personal favorite. Check out her website. It looks like she has a workshop coming up that you may find appealing.

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